full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gangadhar Patil: How we're helping local reporters turn important stories into national news

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I felt it when I worked as a lcaol reporter in my heowotmn Belgaum, in India. I thought maybe jinnoig a national newspaper would help. So I went through professional training and worked with India's three national newspapers. During my five-year stint, I used to travel for my stories. It was in early 2012 I teaevrld 1,000 miles from Mumbai to a coastal village in south inida. I was there to do a story on environmental risk of a nuclear pwoer plant. When I spoke to a local activist, he said the srtoy of hudderns of villagers protesting against a nuclear power plant was reported by local media six months before national TV channels picked it up.

Open Cloze

I felt it when I worked as a _____ reporter in my ________ Belgaum, in India. I thought maybe _______ a national newspaper would help. So I went through professional training and worked with India's three national newspapers. During my five-year stint, I used to travel for my stories. It was in early 2012 I ________ 1,000 miles from Mumbai to a coastal village in south _____. I was there to do a story on environmental risk of a nuclear _____ plant. When I spoke to a local activist, he said the _____ of ________ of villagers protesting against a nuclear power plant was reported by local media six months before national TV channels picked it up.


  1. joining
  2. story
  3. india
  4. traveled
  5. hometown
  6. local
  7. power
  8. hundreds

Original Text

I felt it when I worked as a local reporter in my hometown Belgaum, in India. I thought maybe joining a national newspaper would help. So I went through professional training and worked with India's three national newspapers. During my five-year stint, I used to travel for my stories. It was in early 2012 I traveled 1,000 miles from Mumbai to a coastal village in south India. I was there to do a story on environmental risk of a nuclear power plant. When I spoke to a local activist, he said the story of hundreds of villagers protesting against a nuclear power plant was reported by local media six months before national TV channels picked it up.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mainstream media 4
local reporters 4
nuclear power 3
important stories 3
local reporter 2
power plant 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
nuclear power plant 2

Important Words

  1. activist
  2. belgaum
  3. channels
  4. coastal
  5. early
  6. environmental
  7. felt
  8. hometown
  9. hundreds
  10. india
  11. joining
  12. local
  13. media
  14. miles
  15. months
  16. mumbai
  17. national
  18. newspaper
  19. newspapers
  20. nuclear
  21. picked
  22. plant
  23. power
  24. professional
  25. protesting
  26. reported
  27. reporter
  28. risk
  29. south
  30. spoke
  31. stint
  32. stories
  33. story
  34. thought
  35. training
  36. travel
  37. traveled
  38. tv
  39. village
  40. villagers
  41. worked